
Winnie the Pooh aka Winston

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Dec 4, 2011:
His name is Winston but he's a chunky monkey so we've dubbed him Winnie the Pooh for now! Rest assured, we'll get him back to the trim young 5-year-old beagle he's meant to be! But for the time-being, we're gonna let him settle into his foster home! Poor Winnie was left behind in his home when he lost both his elderly owners. His "dad" passed away and his "mom" had to be moved to a nursing home. Ever since then, he's been taken care of by a kindly neighbour. In fact, we have his neighbours to thank for contacting us. This dear boy is clearly loved by his community! We're so glad we had room to take him in and just in time for the howlidays! Once the fur settles, we'll post a pupdate on Winnie so be sure to check back in! While you're at it, consider becoming a foster parent for Big On Beagles! We've been bombarded with pleas for help lately but we can't save them all! Our foster homes are full! If you've ever thought about fostering, give us a howler TODAY!