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May 21, 2015 eblast:


They say bad things happen in threes. We bid farewell to Haven and Lulabelle earlier this month. We've now received word back from Russell's family that he lost his dispute with prostate cancer on Tuesday evening. I say "dispute" because Russ was a lover not a fighter. He loved life and all its imperfections. No matter what challenge blocked his path, he found a way to wag around it. Taylor Swift tells us to shake it off. Russ told us to wag it off.


We chose Russell to be our Mr. April for our Home Page. Here's what we wrote…


If ever there was a rags to riches story, Russell is it. Rescued by the folks at the Napanee SPCA back in 2010, Russ had been a victim of cruel neglect. Suffering from sores and fur loss over his entire little beagle frame, he needed a special place to make him whole once again. We were only too happy to embrace him! Thanks to his foster parents turned perma parents, John & Laura, Russell has never looked back. He has a beautiful life because he's loved beyond measure. Sadly, Russ was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. We can't help feeling sad, but we must remember and learn from the dogs we love so much. They live in the NOW and right now, Russ is happy. Here's to NOW, Russell, and all the love it has to offer you!!!




Rest assured, Russ was happy. Here's to you, Russ. And here's to life and the fine art of wagging your way through it all.




This year at our 2nd Annual BEAGLE WIGGLE WALKATHON, Matthew and I will be walking in memory of Haven, Lulabelle, Russell, and heck - every beagle that has left a permanent impression on our hearts. There have been many.

But like I wrote before, we'll also be walking in anticipation of the next deserving beagle in search of a wag-worthy life. In fact, we've got at least one still waiting in the wings. We still need to find a foster home for Shasta. And we've just been contacted about a little girl who has won the hearts of her rescuers at the OSPCA.  Stay tuned for that story as it unfolds…


So many beagles yet to be loved…


March 16, 2011:

We are as slow as a beagle on his way to the vet's with this pupdate! I bet you've been wondering who is adopting adorable little Russell! Well, have we got a nice story for you! Another fairytale happy ending for beagle and doting humans. Those doting humans are none other than Huck's mom & dad, John and Laura. Losing Huck last year was heartbreaking. We knew this special couple would need time to heal their hearts. And yet, they told us that ,when they were ready, they would want to reach out to another old boy or girl with nowhere to turn. Like me, they've got a thing for the oldies. A little later, Russell came along. I took a chance and sent John and Laura this picture. I wasn't sure they'd be ready, but the funny face looking back at them stole their hearts. They welcomed him with open arms and open hearts. Their hearts may have suffered a blow with Huck, but Russell found a way of fixing the damage. So much so that they have no intention of giving him up. You can't beat a story like that, can you?



October 20, 2010 eblast:

Then there's Russell who has been effortlessly melting the hearts of his caregivers at Animal Control in Napanee since March. Russell had been rescued from his owner by Napanee's cruelty investigation team. He'd been severely neglected. Bald patches all over his body, decaying teeth, the works. But these wonderful folks brought him back from the brink of disaster. He's had dental surgery and his beautiful beagle coat has grown back nicely. He's so adored at the shelter he rarely spends any time in his cage, but rather as part of the team in the front office! And yet, that doesn't come close to a real home. At 10 years old, Russell has little hope for adoption through the SPCA in Napanee where many AC dogs are eventually transferred. They have a hard enough time as it is adopting young hounds to good and loving homes given the huge hunting industry up there. So we got the call about this sweet little old fellow whose best friend is a stuffed monkey he likes to curl up with in his doggy bed under the investigator's desk. Russell and his monkey are coming home to us next Friday.