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December 14, 2022 eblast:

Just when we thought we had our Christmas Miracle with the arrival of Bobby & Suzie only days after our BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH,

this dear little soul came along…


Say HOWL-O to Pax…


Guessed at roughly 10 years old, this beautiful beagle boy came into the care of the Humane Society for Hastings Prince Edward County (formerly Quinte HS) as a stray a couple weeks ago. Nobody came to claim him. With the holiday season upon us, adoptions have slowed down and the shelter is beyond full. The lovely staff wondered if we had room for a senior beagle boy who had stolen their hearts…just in time for Christmas???


How could we possibly say no?


So this past Saturday, we gathered him up with our hearts all aglow! And we didn't waste any time on his health care. He had his first veterinary visit on Monday. We were hoping for nothing but good news. Unfortunately, his exam didn't quite go as we'd hoped. Our vet detected a rather significant heart murmur, grade level 3 to possibly 4. Without a medical history to go by, we don't know how long he's had this murmur or whether it's worsened over time. And so, we ran chest xrays and are currently awaiting the Radiologist's report before we can consider his neuter and much needed dental.


In the meantime, Pax has made such a peaceful transition at Beagle Tail-Quarters! He's among such good company too - Little Tony Soprano, David S. Pumpkins, Freya and Clara-Bow! So indeed, the name we chose for him suits him perfectly being Latin for "Peace"!


Because it's PAX on Earth here at the Beagle Repair Shop!


Please keep Pax in your thoughts and prayers. We are so very hopeful he's going to be okay. We want him to know what it is to be part of a loving and lasting FAMILY at such a magical time of year and straight into the New Year and beyond!


If you didn't get a chance to support our BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH but would like to make a donation using the below link to Pax and the rest of the Gang at BOB for the holidays, we would be All Aglow!!! Every gift, big or small, means so much to these beagles and so much to us.

Seeing them HAPPY perhaps for the very first time is what keeps us doing what we do and thanking you to the moon and back for making it possible --- again and again.