
Mr. French!

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November 11, 2022 eblast:


Remembrance Day is already such a sombre day.

With the rain falling down, it only adds to that feeling.

Sadly, this Remembrance Day has become much darker for the BOB Family.


We got a frantic call from our dear Catherine at Sheba's Haven this morning.

Our sweet old boy, Frenchy, was rushed to the vet after becoming violently ill.

There was no way we could have ever predicted all that was discovered.


A large mass in his throat (not detected on his last visit) causing pressure on his trachea and compromising his breathing.

Another possible mass on his spleen. Splenic masses can often come on quite suddenly.

His heart also showing signs of decline. Until now, he's not been clinical and didn't require heart medication.

Fluid has quickly built up in his lungs and chest as a result of one or more of these horrible discoveries.


Just one of these things on their own would be bad enough but all three at once is simply unimaginable and unfixable.


Today at 1:40pm, Catherine will be with our dear little frenchman to say goodbye for all of us.

Please light a candle in his honour if you can.


In French, Goodbye is Au Revoir which means Goodbye - until we meet again.  

Oh, how we hope to meet these unforgettable beagles again.


Au Revoir, beautiful boy.

Until we meet again. 





June 9, 2021 eblast:

If you are of a certain age, you may recall the sixties sitcom - Family Affair.

Three orphaned children sent to live with their bachelor uncle and his Butler, Mr. French.


Our storyline may be somewhat different - unlike the show's version, our Mr. French is truly French!

But it's the concept of newly formed families that gave us the idea for his name.

With hopeful hearts, we're determined to be the newly formed family that will bring the 'Joie de Vivre' back to our newest family member.


His rescue story may begin in a very sad way, but if anything can change that for the better --- it's FAMILY.


It was only 4 days ago that we set eyes on this picture and immediately, the spell was cast.

But it was his story that really did us in.


Not long ago, Mr. French was surrendered to a shelter in Quebec at 15 years old.

His owner had died and it was his owner's mother that brought him to the shelter.


We may not understand how or why this family could make such a decision but it doesn't do this sweet little boy any good dwelling over it.

Instead, we're going to focus on forming a new family for Mr. French.


The family miracle was set in motion the moment our friends at Sit With Me Rescue reached out to us with his picture.

Since then, Mr. French's new family has grown to include Critter Cabs Animal Rescue Transport that was only too happy to include Mr. French in their next transport from Quebec this Saturday! On that day, Mr. French and I will meet for the very first time at a Tim Horton's parking lot just off the highway in Kingston.


Together, we'll drive to a magical destination just a stone's throw away, and get acquainted with more new family members at Sheba's Haven. Apparently, Mr. French likes car rides so he should enjoy his little road trip with me while I talk his ear off in English even if he doesn't understand a single word I say.


We've got paws crossed he'll like all his new housemates at the Haven. We know how overwhelming it can be for a freshly rescued beagle to suddenly join such a large family. But our extended family at Sheba's Haven has a knack for this, rest assured. Both the critters and their caregivers share the same motto --- Live in the Moment and Live LARGE! From frolicking about the lush country property together on a blue sky afternoon to cuddling up on the couch with Uncle Bill at night - this is One Fine Family.


Once the fur has settled, Mr. French will take another car ride straight to the vet. There are concerns, naturally. Mr. French is 15 years old after all. One eye appears to be larger than the other for starters. We'll want to check eye pressure, etc. And his paws are quite swollen and sensitive to the touch. And Lord only knows what more we'll uncover when we run a Senior Wellness Profile.


As always, we're challenged with costly medical adventures with these beagles we keep adding to our family. But what can we say? Family is family. You don't turn your back on family. No matter how long they've been a part of it. The minute they walk through our door and into our hearts, we put aside all our worries and simply Welcome them HOME. It's what we've been doing for over 20 years now. Through thick and thin, good times and bad. Even through pandemics.



Because hey…it's a Family Affair!