
Socrates aka Sox!

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July 5, 2024 eblast:



It was 4 years ago when we were first blessed with the introduction of two deserving beagles and two equally deserving humans.


Sox & Roxy were the casualties of a marriage breakup. They even spent time, in total confusion no doubt, living in a motel before surrendered to the local animal shelter in Muskoka. They were both considered seniors.


Roxy was a shy little wallflower in need of constant reassurance.


And then there was Sox.

Big, clumsy, bull-in-the-china-shop Sox.

Her big brother.

Her protector.

Her clown when the chips were down.


Nevertheless, I thought it might be nice to give Sox a more sophisticated name!

I came up with Socrates!


It didn't stick.


Sox was Sox. Plain and simple. No pretentions.

Nothing so complicated, intellectual or provocative as a famous ancient philosopher.


Just a loveable lump of silliness.


Of course, that's not to say Sox didn't have a philosophy about life.

It went something like this…


Not necessarily in that order.


If ever there was a perfect Portrait of a Beagle, I think it's the pic I took of Sox when his foster parents had us over for pizza.


You might say "typical beagle begging for food".

But look again!

Note the incredible restraint!


The Pursuit of Food might have been his philosophy but Sox was always such a good boy first and foremost.

Never mind the odd shredded Kleenex.

Sox always tried to put his best paw forward…or not, if a slice of paws-off-pizza was involved.

Because Sox was quite simply, a beautiful boy.


It was always his nature but I think he was also inspired by those two deserving humans I mentioned at the beginning.


Could he and Roxy have been loved more than they were by their forever foster parents, Gary and Helen?

Not a chance.


I know it and, Lord knows, so does everyone at Allandale Vet Hospital in Barrie!

Sox & Rox had more than their share of health problems. They were frequent fliers at Allandale.

And everyone on duty would know the moment Sox arrived.

All HOWL would break loose!

I think he constantly mistook the lobby for his personal social gatherings venue at every visit.


You know the guy at parties that makes a big loud happy fuss over every guest that comes through the door?

That was Sox.

Each fellow canine encounter was the Celebration of the Century!


It wasn't until he was called in for his exam that he morphed into the Biggest Baby in the Universe.

But he got through those appointments with a little "edible" encouragement.


For treats, he could endure any and all forms of torture including the hydrotherapy tank.

I'm guessing his therapist made sure there was plenty of "bait" on hand for food-motivated shark boy.


But nothing compared to HOME after a long day of shaking paws in the Party Room and chasing treats while on the water treadmill.


It was his Sanctuary, complete with ramps for his ongoing mobility woes, a window seat for barking his hellos at passersby, and best of all - the delightful installation of a magnetic screendoor for any-time access to his beloved backyard!


He had a favourite spot for daydreaming too! A well dug hole in the bushes, right beside the BBQ of course!

That's where you'd find him dreaming the day away in perfect bliss.


That's not to say he didn't love his walkies though!

He was a bit of a celebrity in the neighbourhood!

 Everyone stopped to say hello to Sox while bracing for his signature knockdown version of a hug.


Mr. Goofball was always the most excited one when it came to catching up with the neighbours.

If he had to literally pin you down to get the latest gossip, so be it.


When Sox lost his little sister Roxy back in the fall of 2022, he knew he had a job to do besides honouring Roxy's place on the couch by never curling up there. Just beside that spot was okay, for now on.


Sox knew he also needed to help heal his foster parents' hearts.

He needed to be their clown like he was for Roxy whenever there was a thunderstorm.

And he knew he succeeded.


How did he know?

The way they looked at him through their tears like he was the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen.

The way they laughed when he was being silly.

The way they loved him.

Plain and simple.


Gary and Helen said goodbye to their big silly clown with the big beautiful heart earlier this week.


But there was that proof of perfect love shining brightly once again.

The kind of love that braces itself for the worst heartache.

The kind of love that knows the grief ahead over yet another empty spot on the couch.

The kind of love that braves it all…Out of LOVE.

Plain and simple.


It will take time to get used to the world without Sox.


But there's a world just beyond our sight that has gained one HOWL of a party animal.

And I'm betting Roxy was the first one to greet that big lovable party animal, pinning him down with all four happy paws.

I don't think he minded.

Not one bit.  






Please light a candle in celebration of Sox and in thanks and sympathy to the ones who loved him the very most and always will ---

Gary and Helen. 

March 3, 2020 - Socrates (and Rae) are doing wonderfully in their new foster home! We were so lucky to have found a wonderful couple to join our BOB Family as foster parents to these two! Socrates will be undergoing a dental & neuter surgery shortly. Please keep him in your thoughts!

Jan 25, 2020 eblast:

This is one of those stories. The kind that shakes you to your core.


These two beagles, 10 and 11 years old, have lost all that they've ever known. Their owners split up. Suddenly, they were living in a motel with dad. But dad couldn't cope with their care. He decided to have them euthanized through a local vet. But the vet refused. Thank goodness for that. And so, where do two older beagles down on their luck go when they're no longer wanted? To a shelter, of course. But we have one thing to be grateful for. They went to a shelter with heart and determination. This shelter's staff could see the gems before them. Adorable, sweet beagles that have much more life to live.

They contacted us.

Together, we want to show them that they can still live happily everafter.


It is our sincere hope that we can find a loving foster family who will consider them both. They've been through so much. The last thing we want to do is separate them to face the uncertain future on their own. They need each other far too much right now.


We are calling out to our friends, our big BOB Family, our long-time supporters, our foster parents, to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


If you think you might like to open your heart and home to Socrates and Rae, please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address.

We are only too happy to chat with you about these precious dogs.


In the meantime, we will be arranging their transport to our veterinary clinic for full medical care while they await that dream of a HOME.


They're waiting for you and so are we.