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October 4, 2022:


This is an uncomplicated story about an uncomplicated dog.


The only thing remotely complicated about Algernon was his name.

Often mispronounced.

But he didn’t mind.

Al was uncomplicated.

Easy, like Sunday morning.


There was no scrambling to figure him out when he arrived. His likes and dislikes.

Algernon was perfectly happy with whatever he was given.

He loved his food and if you wanted a kiss, he’d happily oblige.

And when he was feeling extra frisky, he’d spoil you with his specialty kissy nibbles.


He didn’t need fancy things but he did cherish one thing in particular.

It was his prized possession.

The fuzzy bed in the corner by the window in our family room.

It was love at first sight for Al.

If he wasn’t on one of his agonizingly slow walks about the neighborhood, or devouring his beloved meals, that’s where you’d find him.

In a variety of comical sleep positions.


Somehow, the other beagles knew that was Algie’s bed.

They always left it available for him.

They liked him that much. Everybody liked Algie.


But for those of you who never had the good fortune to meet him, I don’t think I could ever describe his beautiful spirit any better than this…



When Little Tony Soprano burst onto the scene this summer, any unspoken dog bed rules didn’t apply.

Like a wrecking ball, Tony crashed into that bed without warning and with an unsuspecting Al curled up on it.

Tony bulldozed his way in as closely and tightly as he could get to his new big brother.


Al’s beloved bed. The one thing he loved as much as food.

Sacred ground upon which he did his yoga stretches.

Until that day.


What did Algernon do?

He made room. ❤️



We lost our uncomplicated boy on Saturday night at the emergency hospital, Tony in tow.

Algernon gave us one last kiss and then he was gone.


Tony promises to take good care of your bed, Al. 

Pet of the Month article in BEACH METRO COMMUNITY NEWS

eblast dated Oct 18, 2016:


Many of you already know about Algernon's emergency

and the miracle that continues to unfold each day following his surgery at VEC on Friday night.

So if you've heard most of this already, please forgive me.

I just haven't had the chance to send out an official eblast to our list of friends and supporters until now.

But that hasn't seemed to matter when it comes to the miracle I mentioned above.


As you may recall, we took Algernon in over Thanksgiving Weekend. He hadn't been eating well at the shelter. He was weak and lacking that spark we know and love in our beagles. Bloodwork revealed a high white blood cell count so we put him on a course of antibiotics and hoped for the best. We didn't want to probe any further with diagnostics until he regained his strength. But that didn't happen. He got worse. And so, xrays were taken.


That's when the race to save his life began for us.


Something was imbedded in his stomach and intestines.

From the xrays, it had initially looked like bristles from a BBQ brush, but once he got down to Toronto for an ultrasound, it appeared to be more like a lengthy cloth-like material that had badly perforated his intestines. He was a very sick little boy with only a 50% chance of survival.


The odds were good enough for us. No matter the cost, which has been estimated at $7-8K. Still, we had to try.


The first 48 hours after surgery were nail-biting. His heart rate was too high and his blood sugar levels too low. He was hooked up to a spaghetti medley of tubes and wires. But after those harrowing 48 hours, Algernon has slowly but surely showed the medical staff the tough little beagle he is.


As of today, his heart rate is back to normal, he's eating on his own, and he's taking short strolls on the hospital grounds.

He's almost out of the woods. And with any luck, he'll be coming HOME to us by Thursday at the latest.


Algernon surviving this surgery is a miracle in itself, but there is more to this miracle.

YOU are the miracle too.


So far, we've raised a staggering $4,000 and your support keeps coming! We don't know how to properly thank you.

We thought we would be wiped out, that we would have to close our doors at least for a while.

We feared our BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH would suffer if we launched this emergency campaign so close to the event.


We don't fear that anymore.

We should have known better.

We should have known how incredible you all are, and that you are always here for us and the beagles we're here to save.




I wish there was more I could do to let you know what it means to have you in our corner, in good times and bad.


If you haven't yet had the chance to make a donation for Algernon, it is definitely not too late.

We're halfway to our goal. And that's truly amazing, but we would be so grateful if we could raise a bit more to keep our doors open.


Any denomination will make a difference. Even $10. Because if everybody makes a $10 donation, this miracle will get even better.


We also hope many of you are planning to attend our 11th Annual BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH.

This is one BASH that is really going to matter for us.

Rest assured, we're gonna entertain the socks off you!

And in return, we're going to top up that much needed funding so both Algernon and our little beagle rescue will be out of the woods.


We still have lots of tickets left to sell for the Group Reading with Angel Morgan too!

If I didn't have to set up for the BASH while she's hosting this special reading, I'd be buying a ticket myself!

If we can sell out on the tickets, we stand to make at least $1,000 towards our funding.

If you'd like to attend the Reading but would prefer to make payment by cash or cheque on the day of the event,

send me a private email and I'll reserve you a spot!




That's it for now, my friends.

We're all so busy. I know you need to get back to your day.

But just before I say farewell, I want to thank a few other special people on behalf of Algernon…


My thanks to Cheryl Lamb and her fab team of rescue transporters who swung into action on a moment's notice in an effort to transport Algie to Toronto.

But that didn't end up being necessary…

My thanks to Sheba's Haven volunteer and member of the Algernon Fan Club, Glenn, who dropped everything to drive Algernon to Toronto on Friday.

My thanks to Catherine, founder of Sheba's Haven, for also dropping everything to drive with Glenn so she could hold Algernon in her arms reassuring him all the way here.

My thanks to Dr. Mark Dilworth of BEACHES ANIMAL HOSPITAL for personally driving Algernon to the VEC on Friday night when it was clear he would need emergency surgery by a specialist.

My thanks to the entire VEC medical team for their incredible care and for keeping us posted every day on Algernon's progress, as well as taking the time to take these pics of our brave little patient for our fundraising efforts.


And of course, my thanks to you again for all the love and support.

If Algernon only knew…







eblast dated Oct 11, 2016:

Just before the long weekend, we were contacted by the Ottawa Humane Society…


"We have a 10 year old neutered male (beagle) that needs rescue. He is the absolute sweetest dog but he is old and has a few medical needs…here at the shelter they need to be in full good health to qualify for adoption…his hips are bothering him (yelps at the extension), he has muscle atrophy in the hind end… he would need further diagnostics."


As we scrambled to come up with a foster home, we got another message from the Ottawa Humane Society…



"Our vet has brought concerns to our attention. The beagle has not been eating well since he arrived. He seems quiet, very sleepy and will only eat every 3-4 days…she would prefer if he could get out of the shelter and have blood work done to determine what's going on with him…if he crashes and his health deteriorates fast, we may not be able to wait much longer...our vet may advise us to put him down."


We couldn't let that happen.

And so, with the incredible help of our friend in rescue - Catherine of SHEBA'S HAVEN,

Algernon was HOME in time for Thanksgiving…



We had detailed bloodwork done through Catherine's vet in Kingston on Saturday. Time was of the essence. His white blood cell count is high so he's on a round of antibiotics. As of today, he's much brighter and more alert. Appetite still isn't up to par with a beagle and he's still very weak, but he seems to be feeling better. He even tried a happy howl while out for a sniffing expedition on the beautiful grounds at the Haven! And he tried to play chase with our Mickey Malarkey!


Once he gains enough strength, we'll get him to Toronto for more diagnostics. We're concerned about the possibility of a neurological issue. He may need to be examined by a specialist. It'll mean money, but we've got a solution for that.



Our 11th Annual BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH!!!

on Sunday, Nov 6, 2016

at PawsWay



We need you there

Algernon needs you there

All our beagles need you there