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March 18, 2019 eblast...


Our sweet Patty.

I don't know if he planned it this way, but yesterday - on St. Patrick's Day - our little Saint Patrick left us for heaven.

It was almost exactly 3 years ago that our paths collided and how lucky we were that they did! We received this message…like pennies from heaven…


Hi Marna,


What are chances that you might be able to find space for a very senior, possibly palliative beagle?


He was found wandering by the side of the 401 highway. Vet estimates him about 15, he has several masses on his body, an open abscess on his neck, severe dental disease, and possibly neurological issues as he is a bit unsteady on his feet. Despite this, he is still quite active and loves to run. He is a sweetheart.


Please let me know. Thanks!

Guelph Humane Society


He may have been senior, but Lord knows he wasn't palliative!

Not by any stretch of the imagination!

Patty may have loved to run but he loved to dance more!

The only time he didn't dance was when he had a wee bit of surgery on one of his tippy toes - see pic above.

He wasn't too happy about that. But as soon as he healed, he was back on the dance floor!

Even when he lost most of his sight, he danced.

Even though he danced with a tilt, being a tad off-balance from the start, he was a fine dancer!

Our little Patrick SWAY-ZEE.

Our tiny dancer in the sand.



So if you have some green beer left in the fridge, give a toast to our Patrick.

Until we meet again, Patty-Cake!

And be sure to give a toast to his forever foster family too - Paul & Helen - for always giving him something to dance about!




April 25, 2016 eblast:








On Saturday, we enjoyed a beautiful spring day reuniting with friends and supporters for BEAGLE DAY at Toto Park!


On Sunday, we saved this sweet old guy.


We named him Patrick (hoping he has the luck of the Irish). Patrick came completely out of left field for us, or more accurately, straight off the 401.


Just when all focus was on Billie Howliday's rescue and subsequent recovery from spay, hernia repair & dental surgery (she's doing great, by the way, and will soon be available for adoption!) and with arrangements for Bunny's rescue in progress (more on Bunny soon!), we got an email we couldn't refuse from the good folks at Guelph Humane Society.


Could we come to the rescue of this very sweet approximately 15-year-old beagle found wandering along the 401 in Guelph?


An initial examination at the shelter made it quite clear he would need extensive diagnostics to determine all his troubles. Covered in masses (including one between his toes and another on the top of his head), a ghastly open sore on his neck that is likely a burst cyst, a significant enough heart murmur, and of course a mouthful of yucky teeth, we've got our work cut out for us. There's a faint trace of a CKC registered tattoo in his ear but not one trace of any decent care for a very long time. Most concerning of all is the tilt to his head and the lack of proper balance to his step. With no indication of an inner ear infection or vestibular disease, the behaviour could be caused by some other neurological issue.


Patrick will be a costly venture.

Why would we bother?


I could fill an entire book with why we'd bother, but I don't need to. The answer is in Patrick himself. Mr. Adventure! Bubbly, busy, constantly hungry, totally adorable Patrick. You can see it in the picture I took upon his arrival to our veterinary clinic, and in the video the shelter staff took - not only to prove his congeniality towards other dogs - small, big or annoying, but to prove without a shadow of a doubt that this little powerhouse of a beagle has more mountains yet to climb.

I don't think we've ever been more happy about two upcoming fundraising events than we are now. From Buddy Howly's constant struggle with stabilizing his Diabetes (he was at Beagle Day too, by the way, clowning it up like any self-respecting beagle), to Billie Howliday's $2,000 surgery - double the cost we anticipated due to 8 teeth being pulled, to Bunny's estimated $3,000 TPLO surgery for a torn cruciate ligament which we'll need to finance immediately following her arrival to our repair shop, to little Patrick's multi-faceted health issues which will likely require visits to more than one specialist, to the life-long care of our permanent 4-legged residents at Sheba's Haven…we've got plenty of BOB Poster Beagles to inspire you!


This week, we will be feverishly preparing and unleashing BOB Pledge Forms for the 2 separate Wacky Walkathons coming up in just over a month!


On the last weekend of May, K9 Rescue Me will be hosting its first Great K9 Scavenger Hunt at WOOFSTOCK!

But there's no rest for the wacky!

The following Saturday, June 4th, we'll be hosting our 3rd Annual BEAGLE WIGGLE WALKATHON at SLOBBERFEST!


We've got paws crossed YOU and your beagle will participate at one or both of these FUNdraisers for our homeless howlers!

But even if you can't make it in-the-fur, you can always make a pledge to one of our…Poster Beagles!


We'll be setting up an on-line Canada Helps Fundraising Page for Billie Howliday (BOB's official Poster Girl for The Great K9 Scavenger Hunt at WOOFSTOCK), and for the new guy in ~ Patrick (BOB's official Poster Boy for our 3rd Annual BEAGLE WIGGLE WALKATHON at SLOBBERFEST)!


Yes indeed, each step we take together is like a heartbeat and behind each heartbeat is a beagle bubbling over with tail-wagging gratitude, joy and maybe a little of that oh so familiar beagle-patented impatience as they lead the way up the next mountain.



Who said we'd never make it to the top…