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June 8, 2016 update:

Just before Slobberfest, on June 1st (the day we turned over our BOB Calendars to her page), we received sad news from Sheba's Haven.

Darla had passed away suddenly.

It was something to do with her heart, we think.

Sometimes, things are not so clear to us or to the veterinarians and specialists.

We'd been trying to sort through her health troubles for some time.

She'd been to see a specialist for her chronic cough and they chalked it up to bronchitis.

We followed up with inhalers and a myriad of medications but got her no relief.

She tried laser therapy for her joint discomfort to no avail.

Darla was a tough old bird though. We were not about to give up trying and neither was she.


We were not prepared to lose her.

But when is anyone prepared to lose someone they love?



You will never be forgotten. You will always be our darling Darla.



 May 28, 2015 eblast:




Okay…she may not be all dolled up yet and ready for the Silver Screen, but we like her just fine. She's our kinda girl!

And soon, she's going to be part of Our Gang!




Some of you may have seen the posting a Good Samaritan shared on our FB page a week ago.

They had found this poor old girl and brought her to TORONTO ANIMAL SERVICES.

They were worried that if nobody claimed her, she would be put down given how old and sick she appeared.

But we re-assured her.

We told her that if this sweet old dog was in the hands of our friends at Toronto Animal Services, she was in GOOD hands.


Here's the proof…


Upon examination by the shelter's veterinary team, it was clear that this old stray beagle had a bad eye. The pressure reading in that one eye soared through the roof. She was clearly in pain. The eye needed to be removed as soon as possible. Given her estimated age and condition, she was definitely geriatric. In other words, not so adoptable to the general public. And so our friends at Toronto Animal Services called us about her. They also made an incredibly generous offer. If we could take her into our care, they were prepared to do the surgery to both spay her and remove the unsalvageable eye. We didn't hesitate.


Darla is undergoing her surgery TODAY.


We decided to name her Darla after the feisty little character from Little Rascals!


On behalf of Darla, we have some thanking to do…


We thank the one who found her and brought her safely to the shelter.


And as always, we thank the good people at Toronto Animal Services for going above and beyond the call of duty for the love of these animals.


We also thank our friend Catherine at SHEBA'S HAVEN for having the room to foster our Darla for us

and for having the biggest beagle-lovin' heart!!!


I'm sure Jude Paw will be the perfect gentleman when Darla arrives, assuming the role of the smitten Alfalfa to OUR Darla.







Here's to TEAMWORK

Here's to LOVE!!!