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December 7, 2023 --- We are so happy to announce that Truman's Foster Family has become his FOREVER FAMILY as of our SWEET 16TH BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH on Nov 19th when we made it Official!!! So happy for Truman and his perma-parents, Emily & Andrew, AND his beagle sister, Lillian!!!

October 6, 2022 eblast:

In the film, "Princess Bride", Max tells his grandson "True Love is the greatest thing in the world…except for a nice MLT (mutton sandwich)".


We don't think any silly sandwich could hold a candle to Truman.



We got the email from our friends at Northhumberland Humane Society.

Could we take in a beautiful mistake?

A victim of a backyard breeder, this little puppy is blind in one eye. The breeder was going to euthanize him because of it.


But luckily, TRUE LOVE stepped in!

A woman frantically paid his adoption fee and promptly brought him to the shelter.

She couldn't keep him herself but she knew he was well worth saving.

We instantly felt the same way.


So what would we call this dear little boy?

That's when it dawned on us.

Over 20 years ago now, very early on in our work on behalf of beagles in need, we embraced an elderly beagle from a local shelter that we named Truman --- after "The Truman Show".


Sadly, Truman never made it home to us. He passed away at our veterinary clinic before we could show him the meaning of True Love.

That poor old beagle has haunted us ever since.


Until now.

Because in his honour, we've named this dear little boy Truman.


Yesterday, the good folks at the Northhumberland Humane Society bid Truman farewell as we bundled him up and brought him to our veterinary clinic in Bowmanville to pick up where they left off with his medical care.


It's so clear that Truman has paid the price of a bad start to his life.

His little body is ravaged by open sores and a surplus of yeast due to a neglected case of Demodex mange.

He will need weekly medicated baths and ointment to rid him of this condition.

He also has Giardia which, thank heavens, is easy enough to treat.


But it's the eye that breaks our heart the most. At first, we thought it was congenital but when our vet had a good look at it, she shook her head in disbelief.

The eye appears to have suffered some kind of trauma, a suspected puncture wound that deflated it. There is severe scarring on the surface of the eye. Whether it was some terrible accident or something else, we'll never know. But what we do know is that Truman's life is about to get a whole lot better.


This time, Truman has come HOME to us