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PUPDATE as of April 16, 2009:
There is no greater joy for me than to see the joy in one of our rescue beagles. I saw that joy in all its glory today when Lulabelle frolicked in her big backyard, chasing tennis balls and playing with her squeaky cow, while her foster mommies joyfully signed the Adoption Contract. Yes, once again, foster parents turned perma parents thanks to the magical powers of the rescued beagle! It was as though she'd always been there. Her beagle brother and fellow BOB grad, Hunter, giving her gentle kisses whenever she'd stop long enough. Her big sis, Rudy, watching over and thoroughly approving of the lively new addition to her family and best of all, Lulabelle's proud mommies - Deb and Paula - adoring her like she so deserves to be adored. Congratulations Lulabelle, you've found your fairytale happy new beginning!
PUPDATE as of April 3, 2009:
Lulabelle's gets her stitches out after her spay operation. Our newest princess is still a little tender, so she wasn't quite ready for partying with the rest of the beagles at our April Howlers meetup on Saturday, April 4th but she plans to make it to the next meetup ya'll!
PUPDATE as of March 24, 2009:

Lulabelle wins the jackpot with a wonderful new Foster Family!

Since sending out our 2nd e-blast posted below, we got the call we were waiting for! Previous adopters of ours (the gals who adopted Hunter!) fell in love with Lulabelle's picture and had to call to inquire. The next thing you know, we're all sitting on my couch! Lulabelle is being spayed today and, tomorrow, she'll be heading to her fab foster home! If she's up to it, we hope to see her at our next BYOB meetup at Pawsway on Saturday, April 4th!!!

Our thanks to everyone who contacted us about Lulabelle offering emergency lodging and well wishes. We also thank those who made donations towards her care, monetary and otherwise! Lu lucked out on a beautiful doggy bed! What would we do without friends like you?!!!

To those who contemplated her foster care, please don't be shy! Lu may have found her foster family but what about the next Lu that comes around the bend? Our foster homes are full and we're always looking for more loving foster parents to ensure we never have to turn away a beagle in need. So please don't hesitate to inquire about fostering. We're waiting for you with tails wagging!!!

E-Blast on Lulabelle sent March 22, 2009:

We picked up Lu from the shelter on Friday. But it wasn't anything like a prisoner who's served her time and can't wait to put some distance between herself and Shawshank. More like a tearful farewell party for Ann of Green Gables! Everybody lined up to say goodbye to this little beagle with the big personality. We took a trip down memory lane while were at it too. The staff recalled the da y they met the dog who looks as though she dipped her right ear in white paint and her left ear in caramel sauce. She arrived at the shelter on February 8th after a harrowing experience. There she was, wandering perilously close to Yonge Street near Finch Ave. Without hesitation, a woman sprang to her rescue, snagging the frightened beagle with her scarf before the unspeakable could happen!

The rest is history or rather...mystery. Now that I know Lu (I figure I can say that since we slept together Friday night), I can't figure out how anyone could part with such a dog. She is a gift, one you'd never want to exchange let alone lose. If I wasn't already showered with 4-legged gifts in my little house by the sea, I'd ask for her paw.

So what's the big deal about Lulabelle? First, I'd be lying if I insisted her looks didn't have anything to do with it. She's got an adorable little girl pout without the pouting. And she's got this irresistable Elvis thing going on when her floppy flappy lips stick to her teeth but only on one side.

Beauty is only fur deep though, so let's talk personality! Temporarily lodging at Marna's House of Beags until her spay on Tuesday (after that, we're hoping we find her foster family! Yes we're still searching!), Lu is an ever so respectful guest despite the expected mania of a beagle sleepover in full throttle. Conducting her "biz" in the backyard (with the exception of one or two puddles of late ~ nobody's perfect) is a welcomed plus. Turning the other...jowl...when cranky old Violet snapped at her for
invading her space is yet another!

The dog friendly antique setee in the sunroom held infinite possibilities of naps in the sunbeams so it quickly became her sunbathing/meditation zone for gurubelle's daily introspective contemplations.

But BED TIME is the RIGHT TIME for LOVIN' and Lulabelle was MADE for LOVIN'!!! For Lu, there is no such thing as being TOO CLOSE to the doting human when the stars come out! She's like a stubborn pasta noodle stuck to the bottom of the strainer - you know the type. Try as you might, that noodle aint going anywhere. Well, at least not until you lull the Lu to sleep with a billion belly rubs. As you probably guessed, I've been accommodating the noodle.

As mentioned, Lulabelle will be spayed on Tuesday. Her bloodwork came back perfect and, wonder of wonders, her teeth aren't so bad either! Nails are long but she thinks she's being murdered if you try to trim them so they'll be giving her a manicure/pedicure while Lulu's in LaLa Land on the operating

What will I be doing in the meantime? Searching for the perfect foster parents for our beagle gift Lulabelle, of course! She deserves the BEST!

So, if you like sticky pasta, Elvis grins and gifts that keep on giving then rush us your completed Foster Application for our latest greatest rescued beagle TODAY!

Loving Foster Home Needed!!! Read below our e-blast on Lulabelle sent March 11, 2009:Lulabelle Loves Laps!

She's got a howl that would make Duke (last year's recipient of the Best Howler Award at the BEAGLE BASH FOR CASH) pea green with envy! Not painfully piercing...just magnificently melodic! She's got a face that would make the meanest kid on the block melt like icecream on a summer day! She's got a serious beagle thing for cookies --- so much of a beagle thing that she'll do puppy tail flips at the mere sight of one, even if she is guessed at about 8 years old! She's the kind of dog that can make lemonade out of lemons. When I visited her at the shelter today, she was enjoying Happy Hour in the outdoor play area with some of her doggy inmates.

One other thing about Lulabelle...she's got precious little time left. Lulabelle was a stray. She's in a local pound right now. She'd rather be in our lap. She loves laps. Given her age, the staff say they can't go to the expense of running bloodwork to perform a spay for a dog that may or may not get adopted anyway. Most folks visiting the pound want to bring home a puppy. No matter how puppy-like Lulabelle may be, she doesn't fit the profile. But she fits our profile. And the shelter staff are hoping we can save the day and the dog. They kinda like Lulabelle. So do we. Here's the trouble. Our foster homes are full. We may have one space coming up soon, but Lulabelle is one of two beagles we've been contacted about this week. We'll have the other one's story to you in just a tailwag. For now, our thoughts are with Lulabelle.

If you've been thinking about joining the BOB Family as a foster mommy or daddy, then now's the time to howl about it! Give us a call, drop us an email, fill out a foster application form, offer Lulabelle your lap!

Just ask any of our foster parents, there is nothing quite as rewarding as saving a beagle.