
Ezra Hound

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Dec 2, 2015 Pupdate:

So Ezra had his appointment with the cardiologist yesterday and all went well! While he has been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Disease, she saw no reason why he couldn't have his operation so we should be proceeding with his surgery tomorrow. Bloodwork came back unremarkable and aside from some minor changes in kidney values, Ezra is as right as rain! In fact, our vets feel he's not such an old man after all! Probably no more than 10 to 12 years old! Practically a spring chicken in our eyes! And still the quietest beagle I've ever met!


We took him for a stroll along the Boardwalk this afternoon and he was a perfect angel! He enjoyed meeting every dog that walked by with a polite wag of his tail and a friendly sniff and then off he went to conduct his own business! While he may be completely blind in his right eye, the vision in his left keeps him on track just fine!


Surgery will be major so please keep him in your thoughts. It will include the removal of his right eye due to severe and painful Glaucoma, dentistry to remove some rotting teeth also quite likely causing him significant pain, and his neuter. Following surgery, he will be carefully monitored in hospital while we plan his foster placement. We are still working on where little Ezra will hang his leash post-op. We've had some nibbles but nothing firm yet. It's important that he's fairly close at hand to monitor his recovery, so we've got paws crossed we'll find him the perfect spot soon!


On behalf of little Ezra and all our other beagles babies, we cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support!


In my last eblast, I gave you pupdates on our beagles at Sheba's Haven. We're also addressing the possibility of Cushing's Disease with Phoebe which will involved a treatment plan. Tomorrow, Carlton goes to PAWSability about a harness to help his mobility so stay tuned on that. The list goes on. There's always something that needs fixing down at the old beagle repair shop! Thank goodness for your amazing support! Our On-Line Calendar Campaign is just booming! We've still got calendars left but they're flying off our shelves so be sure to order yours soon! I can assure you, every calendar sold is making a difference in a beagle's life!




Our Christmas Wish this year? Simple!

We want to see Ezra curled up on a cozy dog bed in front of a roaring fire while visions of dog bones dance in his head!!!

With your help, I think we can make it happen…


November 26, 2015 eblast:

With the arrival of dear sweet little Ezra, we know how crucial it will be to remain well-funded. Ezra has just been delivered to our vets at Beaches Animal Hospital yesterday afternoon. He's got a ton of medical concerns: significant heart murmur, severe dental disease, impaired vision, poor body condition (underweight / muscle-wasting), painful mouth, worrisome cough, and don't forget those lumps and bumps. He's going to need a full medical work-up by our team of veterinarians, and an appointment with a cardiologist before any surgery can be considered. But he's worth it. His tail tells us so. It never stops wagging.


The monies raised from our BASH will certainly help but we need to top it up for Ezra and for our palliative care beagles at Sheba's Haven. Grandpa Louis has taken a turn for the worse and is now in the early stage of congestive heart failure but we are ever so hopeful the heart meds he's been prescribed will improve and extend his life. Lord knows he loves it at the Haven. We're also meeting with PAWSability to discuss braces for Carlton in the hopes it will help his mobility. Jude is doing okay but he now needs a "flushing out" at the vets on a weekly basis given the inoperable hernia.


All these beagles and their troubles may seem overwhelming at times, but we can do it. That's what we're here for. And you make it all possible. You keep their tails wagging!


So for Ezra & the rest of the gang…



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